
Thyrotropic Feedback Control



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Dietrich JW, Fischer MR, Jauch J, Pantke E, Gärtner R, Pickardt CR. SPINA-THYR: A novel systems theoretic approach to determine the secretion capacity of the thyroid gland. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 1999;10 (Suppl. 1)(May 1999):S34.


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Dietrich JW, Tesche A, Pickardt CR, Mitzdorf U. Fractal Properties of the Thyrotropic Feedback Control: Implications of a Nonlinear Model Compared with Empirical Data. In: Trappl R, ed. Cybernetics and Systems 2002. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies; 2002:329-34.


Dietrich JW. Der Hypophysen-Schilddrüsen-Regelkreis. Entwicklung und klinische Anwendung eines nichtlinearen Modells. Vol. 2 Berlin: Logos-Verlag; 2002. (Schardt F, ed. Spektrum medizinischer Forschung).


Dietrich JW, Tesche A, Pickardt CR, Mitzdorf U. Thyrotropic Feedback Control: Evidence for an Additional Ultrashort Feedback Loop from Fractal Analysis. Cybernetics and Systems. 2004;35(4):315-31.


Dietrich, J. W. and B. O. Boehm (2006). Equilibrium behaviour of feedback-coupled physiological saturation kinetics. In: Cybernetics and Systems 2006. R. Trappl (Hrsg). Vienna, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. 1: 269-74.


Dietrich, J. W., A. Stachon, B. Antic, H. H. Klein und S. Hering (2008). "The AQUA-FONTIS Study: Protocol of a multidisciplinary, cross-sectional and prospective longitudinal study for developing standardized diagnostics and classification of non-thyroidal illness syndrome." BMC Endocrine Disorders 8 (13).

Dietrich, J. W., G. Landgrafe, E. H. Fotiadou (2012). TSH and thyrotropic agonists: Key actors in thyroid homeostasis. Journal of Thyroid Research, vol. 2012, Article ID 351864, 29 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/351864.
Hoermann, R., J. E. M. Midgley, R. Larisch, J. W. Dietrich (2013). Is Pituitary Thyrotropin an Adequate Measure Of Thyroid Hormone-Controlled Homeostasis During Thyroxine Treatment?. European Journal of Endocrinology 168(2):271-80. PMID 23184912, doi:10.1530/EJE-12-0819.
Midgley, J. E. M., R. Hoermann, R. Larisch, J. W. Dietrich (2012). Physiological states and functional relation between thyrotropin and free thyroxine in thyroid health and disease: in vivo and in silico data suggest a hierarchical model. Journal of Clinical Pathology (accepted).


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